Welcome to the Forest View Fire Department
The Forest View Fire Department came into existence in 1955. The department presently consists of one full-time chief and approximately thirty part-time/paid on-call members. There are personnel on duty at the fire station at all times to take care of walk-in patients and to aid in the quick response of emergencies. The Forest View Fire Department averages 700 calls per year between Fire and EMS.
The village has a class 6 rating with the Insurance Service Organization, an organization which grades fire departments to help determine insurance premiums on residences and businesses.
The department provides not only fire protection, advance life support ambulance service and other services to village residents, such as lock-out of resident’s home, checking smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, and assisting in community events.
Forest View fire services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
For emergencies services call 911 from your cell phone or land line.
For non-emergency number: (708) 749-1110
The Fire Prevention Bureau of the department performs routine inspections of all industrial and commercial buildings in the corporate limits of the village.
Other Services
- The Fire Prevention Bureau of the department performs routine inspections of all industrial and commercial buildings in the corporate limits of the village.
- Free blood pressure checks at the fire station between 8:00am and 4:00pm.
- We offer Fire safety lectures, fire station tours by appointment.
- Can help with questions about fire extinguishers and can check for gas leaks.
- Residential Fire and Life Safety inspections on request.
Four-legged Firehouse Member

- Name: Cinder
- DOB 10/31/2023
- Cinder is a female Dalmatian who became a member of the Forest View Fire Department on January 10th 2024. She lives at the fire house and fits in as part of the crew.
- By definition, the word cinder is a small piece of partly burned coal or wood that has stopped giving off flames, but still has combustible matter in it; and with the Village of Forest View being “The Cinderella Village” it was a perfect fit for her.

Employment Opportunities
The Forest View Fire Department continually accepts applications for firefighters. If you are interested you may apply by downloading an application here and returning it to the fire department by mail or in person.