7000 West 46th Street
Forest View, IL 60402

Office Hours: 9am to 5pm
Dog Tags
Your pet must have a current rabies vaccine number and expiration date in order to obtain a dog license. Registration for an annual permit is available at the Village Hall.
Fees: Resident - $1.00 per dog
Late fees if purchased after June 30th are an additional $50.00 per pet.
Animal Shelter
Our Police Department has a scanner for dogs that have been chipped. Please make sure you register the number along with all of your contact information.
Waggin Tails Animal Shelter is located at 1800 S. Laramie in Cicero, 708-652-0825. This shelter has the ability to house our recovered stray animals until relocated with their owners or being adopted. This is a “No Harm” shelter that provides great care to lost animals.
Vehicle Stickers
Vehicle stickers go on sale June 1st through June 30th and cover the period from July 1st through June 30th.
Application Fees:
Senior Citizens (65 and over) - $2.00
Veterans - $2.00 (if you qualify for the senior price and only have 1 vehicle, no charge)
Passenger Car - $10
Trucks – fee will vary depending on weight
Veteran status can now be put on your driver’s license thru the Secretary of State.
Vehicle stickers must be displayed by July 1st to avoid late fees.